DSD Support

DSD Support

Please fill the form below if you experience any issue with the Digital Security Desk mobile app.

We will get in touch with you shortly!

    Write to us!

    We will respond to all your requests.

    I have read the privacy policy

    I agree to receive commercial and promotional communications relating to YARIX S.r.l.'s own services and products, as well as information messages relating to the institutional activities of YARIX S.r.l.

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    I agree to the communication of my personal data to Var Group S.p.A. and to the companies belonging to the Var Group S.p.A. in order to receive commercial and promotional communications relating to services and products of the aforementioned companies, as well as information messages relating to the institutional activities of the companies themselves.

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    I consent to the communication of personal data to third-party companies (belonging to the ATECO J62, J63 and M70 product categories regarding IT and business consulting products and services).

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